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269.  Drivers of degradation and multi-dimensional restoration of eutrophic lakes. Duan, Z.  W. Gao*, X. Kong, H.J. MacIsaac, E. Jeppesen, S. Hilt, D.P. Hamilton, S.W. Wilhelm, R.M. McKay, Y. Zhang, B. Qin, Y. Liu, H. Wang, M. Pan, T. Xia, X. Chang. Nature Sustainability. 


268Implementation of the Ballast Water Management Convention: taking stock of progress and remaining challengesBailey, S.A., C. Henein , S. Gorgula , Diane P. Barton, B. Hayes, S. Abeysekara, L.A. Drake, M.R. Hernandez, H.J. MacIsaac, M. Merksamer, T. Omura, O. Outinen, E.D. Reavie, M. Riggio, M. Subramanian, N. Takahashi, Z. Wang, K. Lee, M. Shon. Management of Biological Invasions (submitted). 

267. Detecting and monitoring invasive goldfish abundance using eDNA. Smith, I.A., R. Bajno, N. Turner, D.D. Heath, N.E. Mandrak, C.M. Boston, H.J. MacIsaac, M.C. Yates. Environmental DNA. 


266. Absolute fish population censuses in ponds demonstrate eDNA metabarcoding provides biodiversity estimates comparable to conventional sampling methods. Smith, I.S., M.C. Yates, R. Bajno, N. Turner, D.D. Heath, N.E. Mandrak, C.M. Boston, H.J. MacIsaac. CJFAS (submitted).

265. Loss of distinct functionality during fish community disassembly. Ji, S., Y. Li, C. Ding, D. He, J. Tao, H.J. MacIsaac. Ecology Letters (in review).

264. Synergistic oxidative stress of co-occurring cyanobacterial bloom and invasive fish on an endangered macrophyte. Niu, M., K. Harshaw, Z. Ju, W. Long, X. Chen, X. Hou, H.J. MacIsaac, S. Hilt, X. Chang. Aquatic Toxicology (submitted).

263. Synergistic effects of irradiation, microcystin-producing cyanobacteria, and nutrients on microcystin production in Plateau lakes. H.-X. Zhao, X. Zhao, Y. Liu, Y.-F. Sun, J. Chen, Y. Liu, X.-Y. Miao, H.-J. Wang, C. Xu, Q. Liu, W.-Y. Yang, C.E.W. Steinberg, H.J. MacIsaac, E. Jeppesen, P. Xie, and H.W. Paerl. Water Research (in revision).

262. Functional analysis of 75 years of mass fish invasions into 15 Chinese lakes. Ji, S., H.J. MacIsaac, Y. Li, C. Ding, J. Wang, L. Ding, D. He and J. Tao.  Global Change Biology (in revision)..

261. Macrophytes mitigate Microcystis aeruginosa-induced fish appetite suppression via intestinal metabolite regulation. M. Niua, K. Harshaw, Q. Xiang, Y. Zhou, P. Xiang, Z. Ju, W. Long, H.J. MacIsaac, and X. Chang. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (submitted). 

260. Variation in phytoplankton and metazoan zooplankton community structure associated with Microcystis blooms. Jingjing, L., R.M.L. McKay, R. Xu, H.J. MacIsaac, Q. Xiang, Y. Pei, J. Zhang, J. Xu, T. Wang, H. Zhang, X. Chang. Marine Pollution Bulletin 

(in review).


259. Cyanobacteria alter lipid metabolism in zooplankton via exudates of obesogens. 2025. J. Zhang, X. Chang, H. J. MacIsaac, D. Xu, Y. Zhou, J. Li, J. Xu, T. Wang, H. Zhang, Z. Peng, J. Wen, R. Xu. Harmful Algae  142: 2102790. 12 pages. PDF

258. Discharge of ballast residual sediments during deballasting procedures: a more realistic estimate of propagule pressure. 2024. Simard, N., A.M. Weise, A. Rochon, E. Briski, H.J. MacIsaac, and C.W. McKindsey. Marine Pollution Bulletin 207: 116716. PDF 18 pages.


257. Can a shift in dominant species of Microcystis alter growth and reproduction of waterfleas? 2024. Wang, T., D. Xu, H.J. MacIsaac, J. Li, J. Xu, J. Zhang, H. Zhang, Y. Zhou, R. Xu, and X. Chang. Harmful Algae 136: 102657.  PDF 11 pages.

256. Fish embryo toxicity toxicity of cyanobacteria via mitochondria-mediated oxidative damage. 2024. Cai, W., J. Zi, H.J. MacIsaac, Y. Pei, X. Wang, X. Pan, J. Yang, R. Xu, J. Zhang, J. Li, and X. Chang. Hydrobiologia 851:4269-4283. PDF

255.  A non-microcystin-producing Microcystis wesenbergii strain alters fish food intake by disturbing neuro-endocrine appetite regulation. 2024. W. Long, K. Harshaw, Y. Wang, Q. Xiang, Y. Zi, H. Volkoff, H.J. MacIsaac, R. Xu, M. Niu, Q. Xi, and X. Chang. Harmful Algae 135: 102647. 9 pages. PDF

254. An overlooked source of false positives in eDNA-based biodiversity assessment and management. 2024. Xiong, W., H.J. MacIsaac and A. Zhan. Journal of Environmental Management 358:120949. 6 pages. PDF

253. Assessment of estrogenic potential from exudates of microcystin-producing and non-microcystin-producing Microcystis by metabolomics, machine learning, and the E-screen assay. 2024. Zi, J., J. Barker, Y. Zi, H.J. MacIsaac, Y. Zhou, K. Harshaw, and X. Chang. Journal of Hazardous Materials 470: 134170. 13 pages. PDF 

252. Non-microcystin extracellular metabolites of Microcystis aeruginosa impair viability and reproductive gene expression in rainbow trout cell lines. 2024. Harshaw, K., A. Fahim; J. Zi, P.C. Chandrasekera; X. Chang, B. Dixon, and H.J. MacIsaac. Science of the Total Environment 919:170747. 13 pages. PDF.

251. Fish community composition detected using traditional fishing and eDNA in Dianchi Lake, Southwest China. 2024.  K. Zhang, Z. Xia, Z. Hong, Z. Fu, X. Chang, G. Chan, and H.J. MacIsaac. Hydrobiologia 851:1535-1549. PDF 

250. Does non-native diversity mirrors earth’s biodiversity. 2024. E. Briski, S.G. Kotornaki, R.N. Cuthbert, A. Bortolus, M.L. Campbell, J.T.A. Dick, P. Fofonoff, B.S. Galil, C.L. Hewitt, J.L. Lockwood, H.J. MacIsaac, A. Ricciardi, G. Ruiz, E. Schwindt, U. Sommer, A. Zhan, and J.T. Carlton. Global Ecology and Biogeography 33:48-62. PDF.

249. e-DNA-based detection reveals invasion risks of a biofouling bivalve in the world’s largest water diversion project. 2024. Xia, Z., Y. Wen, X. Cao, J. Gu, Y. Gao, S. Li, G.D. Haffner, H.J. MacIsaac and A. Zhan. Ecological Applications 34:e2826. 13 pages. PDF

248. Ballast water management systems protect the Great Lakes from secondary spread of non-indigenous species. 2024. Rolla, M., M.R. Hernandez, J. Bradie, S.A. Bailey, and H.J. MacIsaac. Biological Invasions 26:437-449. PDF.

247. Is a lower-toxicity strain of Microcystis aeruginosa really less toxic? 2023. Xu, J., X. Chang, H.J. MacIsaac, J. Li, T. Wang, J. Zhang, J. Wen, H. Zhang, and R. Xu. Aquatic Toxicology 263: 106705. (10 pages). PDF

246. Phytosphingosine inhibits cell proliferation by damaging DNA in human cell lines. 2023. Sun, C., X. Chang, H.J. MacIsaac, J. Wen, L. Zhao, Z. Dai, and J. Li. Ecotoxiciology and Environmental Safety 256:11840. 9 pages. PDF

245. Incorporation of colonization pressure into the propagule pressure-based global ballast water standard. 2023. Hernandez, M., J. Barker, and H.J. MacIsaac. Diversity and Distributions 29:1420-1431.  PDF

244. Comparative metabolomic analysis of exudates of microcystin-producing and microcystin-free Microcystis aeruginosa strains.  2023. Zhou, Y., J. Xu, H.J. MacIsaac, R.M. McKay, R. Xu, Y. Pei, Y. Zi, J. Li, Y. Qian and X. Chang. Frontiers in Microbiology 13:1075621. DOI:10.3389/fmicb.2022.1075621. PDF

243. What’s coming eventually comes – a follow-up on an invader's spread by the world’s largest water diversion in China. 2023. H. Wang, Z. Xia, S. Li, H.J. MacIsaac, A. Zhan. Biological Invasions 25:1-5. PDF

242. Managing risk of non-indigenous species establishment associated with ballast water discharges from ships with bypassed or inoperable ballast water management systems. 2023. Bradie, J., M. Rolla, S.A. Bailey and H.J. MacIsaac. Journal of Applied Ecology  60:193-204. PDF

241. Identification of neurotoxic compounds in cyanobacteria exudate mixtures. 2022.  Y. Zi, J. Barker, H.J. MacIsaac, R. Zhang, R. Gras, Y.-C. Chiang, Y. Zhou, F. Lu, W. Cai, C. Sun, X. Chang. Science of the Total Environment 857(2): 159257. PDF

240. Phytosphingosine-induced cell apoptosis via a mitochondria-mediated pathway. 2022. Li, J., J. Wen, C. Sun, Y. Zhou, J. Xu, H.J. MacIsaac,  X. Chang, Q. Cui, and J. Li.  Toxicology 482: 153370.  PDF

239. Abnormal neurobehavior in fish early life stages after exposure to cyanobacterial exudates. 2022. Cai, W., H.J. MacIsaac, R. Xu, J. Zhang, X. Pan, Y. Zhang, J.Yang, B. Dixon, J. Li, Y. Zi, X. Chang. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 245:114119. 8pg. PDF

​238. What we know and don’t know about the invasive golden mussel Limnoperna fortunei. 2022. Boltovskoy, D., E. Paolucci, H.J. MacIsaac, A. Zhan, Z. Xia, and N. Correa. Hydrobiologia 48pg.

237. Species distribution models: centroid occurrence data requires careful interpretation. 2022. J. Barker and H.J. MacIsaac.  Ecological Modelling 472:110107. 16 pg.  PDF

236. Abiotic and biotic correlates of the occurrence, extent and cover of the invasive pondweed Elodea nuttalli. 2022. Crane, K, Kregting, L., Coughlan, N.E., Cuthbert, R.N., Ricciardi, A., MacIsaac, H.J., and J.T.A. Dick. Freshwater Biology 67:1559-1570. PDF

235. No time to dye: dye-induced light differences mediate growth rates among invasive macrophytes. 2022. Crane, K, Cuthbert, R.N., Coughlan, N.E., Kregting, L., Reid, N., Ricciardi, A., MacIsaac, H.J., and J.T.A. Dick. Management of Biological Invasions 13: 288–302. PDF

234. Complementary genomic and epigenomic adaptation to environmental heterogeneity. 2022. Y. Gao, Y. Chen, S. Li, X. Huang, J. Hu, D.G. Bock, H.J. MacIsaac and A. Zhan. Molecular Ecology 31: 3598– 3612. PDF

233. Species distribution models applied to mosquitoes: use, quality assessment, and recommendations for best practice. 2022. Barker, J. and H.J. MacIsaac.  Ecological Modelling 472:10073 (14pg). PDF

232. In situ grazing rates on lake seston by invasive dreissenid mussels: a control volume experiment. 2022. Xia, Z., D.C. Depew, R. Valipour, H.J. MacIsaac, R.P. Weidman. Science of the Total Environment 849:157924. 14 pages. PDF 

231.  Vector control reduces the rate of species invasion in the world’s largest freshwater ecosystem. 2022. Ricciardi, A., and H.J. MacIsaac. Conservation Letters e12866. 12 pages.  PDF

230. Predatory ability and abundance forecast the ecological impacts of two aquatic invasive species.  2022. DeRoy, E.M., S. Crooked, K. Matheson, R. Scott, C.H. McKenzie, M.E. Alexander, J.T.A. Dick, H.J. MacIsaac. NeoBiota 71:91-112. PDF

229. The Lake Erie HABs Grab: A binational collaboration to characterize the western basin harmful algal blooms at an unprecedented high-resolution spatial scale. 2021. Chaffin, J.D., J.F. Bratton, E.M. Verhamme, H.B. Bair, A.A. Beecher, C.E. Binding, J.A. Birbeck, T.B. Bridgeman, X. Chang, J. Crossman, W.J.S. Currie, T.W. Davis, G.J. Dick, K.G. Drouillard, T. Frenken, H.J. MacIsaac, A. McClure, R.M. McKay, L.A. Reitz, K. Stanislawczyk , R.P. Stumpf, Z.D. Swan, B. Synder, J.A. Westrick, P. Xue, C.E. Yancey, A. Zastepa and X. Zhou. Harmful Algae 108:102080. PDF

228. Screening marker sensitivity: Optimizing eDNA-based rare species detection. 2021. Xia, Z., A. Zhan, M.L. Johansson, E. DeRoy, G.D. Haffner, H.J. MacIsaac. Diversity and Distributions 27:1981-1988. PDF

227. Golden mussel (Limnoperna fortunei) survival during winter implies a potential global distribution. 2021. Xia, Z., J.R. Barker, A.  Zhan, G.D. Haffner, and H.J. MacIsaac. Diversity and Distributions 27:1422-1434PDF

226. Multiple factors regulate filtration by invasive mussels: implications for whole-lake ecosystems. 2021. Xia, Z., H.J. MacIsaac, R.E. Hecky, D.C. Depew, G.D. Haffner, and R.P. Wildman. Science of the Total Environment 765:144435. (10 pages) PDF

225. Gimme Shelter: Differential utilisation and propagule creation of alien invasive macrophytes by native caddisfly larvae. 2021. Crane, K., R.N. Cuthbert, A. Ricciardi, L. Kregting, N.E. Coughlan, H.J. MacIsaac, N. Reid, J.T.A. Dick. Biological Invasions 23:95-109.  PDF 

224. Four priority areas to advance  invasion science in the face of rapid environmental change. 2021. Ricciardi, A., D.C. Aldridge, T.M. Blackburn, J.T. Carlton, J.A. Catford, J.T.A. Dick, P.E. Hulme, J.C. Iacarella, J.M. Jeschke, A.M. Liebhold, J.L. Lockwood, H.J. MacIsaac, L. Meyerson, P. Pyšek, D.M. Richardson, G.M. Ruiz, D. Simberloff, M. Vilà, DA. Wardle. Environmental Reviews 29:119-141. PDF

223. Invasive Species. H.J. MacIsaac and E.M. DeRoy. 2020. Ch. 7.26. In: Checkup: Assessing Ecosystem Health of the Detroit River and Western Lake Erie. Edited by: Hartig, J.H., Francoeur, S.F., Ciborowski, J.J.H., Gannon,J.E., Sanders, C.E., Galvao-Ferreira, P., Knauss, C.R., Gell, G., and K. Berk. Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research Occasional Publication No. 11, University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada. ISSN 1715-3980.  pp. 741-745. PDF

​​222. Touch too much: aquatic disinfectants and steam exposure treatments can inhibit further spread of invasive bloody-red mysid shrimp Hemimysis anomala. 2020. Coughlan N.E., J.W.E. Dickey, S. O'Hara, K. Crane, J.T.A. Dick, H.J. MacIsaac, and R.N. Cuthbert. Wetlands Ecology and Management 28:397–402. PDF

221. Drivers of future alien species impacts: an expert-based assessment. 2020Essl, F., B. Lenzner, S. Bacher, S. Bailey, C. Capinha, C. Daehler, S. Dullinger, P. Genovesi, C. Hui, P.E. Hulme, J.M. Jeschke, S. Katsanevakis, I. Kühn, B. Leung, A. Liebhold, C. Liu, H.J. MacIsaac, L.A. Meyerson, M.A. Nuñez, A. Pauchard, P. Pyšek, W. Rabitsch, D.M. Richardson, H.E. Roy, G.M. Ruiz, J.C. Russell, N. Sanders, D.F. Sax, R. Scalera, H. Seebens, M. Springborn, A. Turbelin, M. van Kleunen, B. von Holle, M. Winter, R.D. Zenn, B.J. Mattsson and N. Roura-Pascua. 2020. Global Change Biology 26:4880-4893. PDF

220. Detecting a spreading non-indigenous species using multiple methodologies. 2020. Johansson, M.L., S.Y. Lavigne, C.W. Ramcharan and D.D. Heath, and H.J. MacIsaac. Lake and Reservoir Management. 36:432-443. PDF.

219. Behaviourally-mediated learning ability in an invasive marine fish. 2020. DeRoy, E.M., R. Scott, N.E. Hussey, and H.J. MacIsaac. Biological Invasions 22:3357–3369.  PDF

218. Impacts of climate change on geographical distributions of invasive ascidians.  2020. Zhang, Z., C. Capinha, D.N. Karger, X. Turin, H.J. MacIsaac, and A. Zhan. Marine Environmental Research 159:104993. (12 pages). PDF

217. Monitoring the silver carp invasion in Africa: a case study using environmental DNA (eDNA) in dangerous watersheds. 2020. Crookes, S., T. Heer, R. Castaneda, N.E. Mandrak, D.D. Heath, O.L.F. Weyl, H.J. MacIsaac, and L.C. Foxcroft. NeoBiota 55:27-60.  PDF

216. Density-dependence mediates the ecological impact of an invasive fish. 2020. DeRoy, E.M., R. Scott, N.E. Hussey, and H.J. MacIsaac. Diversity and Distributions 26:867-800.  PDF


215. On the RIP: Using Relative Impact Potential to assess the ecological impacts of invasive alien species. 2020. Dickey, J., R. Cuthbert, J. South, J.R. Britton, J. Caffrey, X. Chang, K. Crane, N. Coughlan, E. Fadaei, K. Farnsworth, S. Ismar, P. Joyce, M. Julius, C.  Laverty, F. Lucy, H. MacIsaac, M. McCard, C. McGlade, N. Reid, A. Ricciardi, R. Wasserman, O. Weyl, and J.T.A. Dick. NeoBiota 55:27-60.  PDF


214. Detecting native freshwater fishes using novel non-invasive methods. 2020. Castaneda, R.A., A. van Nynatten, S. Crookes, B.R. Ellander, D.D.Heath, H.J. MacIsaac, N.E. Mandrak, and O.L.F. Weyl. Frontiers in Environmental Sciences 8:29. 16pg.  PDF

213. Impacts of invasive species in the Laurentian Great Lakes. 2020. DeRoy, E. and H.J. MacIsaac. In: Contaminants of the Great Lakes. The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. C. Weisener and J. Crossman (editors). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. pp. 135-156. PDF

212. High predatory efficiency and abundance drive expected ecological impacts of a marine invasive fish. 2020. DeRoy, E.M., N.E. Hussey, and H.J. MacIsaac. Marine Ecology Progress Series 637:195-208. ​ PDF

211. Friends of mine: an invasive freshwater mussel facilitates growth of invasive macrophytes and mediates their competitive interactions.  2020. Crane, K., N. Coughlan, R. Cuthbert, J.T.A. Dick, L. Kregting, L., Ricciardi, H.J. MacIsaac, and N. Reid.  Freshwater Biology 65:1063-1072.  PDF

210. Dead and gone: steam exposure kills layered clumps of invasive curly waterweed Lagarosiphon major. 2020. Coughlan, N.E., F. Armstrong, R.N. Cuthbert, L.E. Eagling, L. Kregting, J.T.A. Dick, H.J. MacIsaac, and K. Crane. Aquatic Botany 162:103204. 4 pg.   PDF

209. Functional response and size-selective clearance of suspended matter by an invasive mussel. 2020. Xia, Z., X. Cao, T. Hoxha,  A. Zhan, G.D. Haffner, and H.J. MacIsaac. Science of the Total Environment. 711:134679.  PDF

208. Norfloxacin pollution alters species composition and stability of plankton communities. 2020. Pan, Y., J. Dong, L. Wan, H.J. MacIsaac, S. Sun, and X. Chang. Journal of Hazardous Materials 385:121625. (11 pages).  PDF

207. Can chlorination of ballast water reduce biological invasions? 2019. Lin, Y., A. Zhan, M.R. Hernandez, E. Paolucci, E. Briski, and H.J. MacIsaac. Journal of Applied Ecology 57(2):331-343.  PDF

206. Blooming cyanobacteria alter water flea reproduction via exudates of estrogen analogues. 2019. Xu, R., Y. Jiang, H.J. MacIsaac, J. Li, J. Xua, T. Wang, Y. Zi, and X. Chang. Science of the Total Environment 696:133909. PDF

205. Comparative feeding behaviour of native and introduced terrestrial snails track their ecological impacts. 2019. Hoxha, T., S. Crookes, I. MacIsaac, X. Chang, M. Johansson, A. Nicolai, J.T.A. Dick, and H.J. MacIsaac. Neobiota 47:81-94. PDF


204. Long-term changes in the zooplankton community of Lake Maggiore in response to multiple stressors: A Functional Principal Components analysis. 2019. Arfe, A., P. Quatto, G. Morabito, A. Zambon, H.J. MacIsaac and M. Manca. Water 11(5), 962. 16 pages. PDF

203. Full steam ahead: direct steam exposure to inhibit spread of invasive aquatic macrophytes.  2019. Crane, K., R. Cuthbert, J.T.A. Dick, L. Kregting, H.J. MacIsaac, and N. Coughlan. Biological Invasions 21:1311-1321. PDF


202. Non–native species spread in a complex network: The interaction of global transport and local population dynamics determines invasion success. 2019.  Seebens, H., E. Briski, S. Ghabooli, T. Shiganova, H.J. MacIsaac, and B. Blasius. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286: 20190036  PDF.

201. Die Hard: impact of aquatic disinfectants on the survival and viability of invasive Elodea nuttallii. 2019.  Coughlan, N., J.T.A. Dick, R. Cuthbert, K. Crane, J. Caffrey, and H.J. MacIsaac. Aquatic Botany 154:11-17.  PDF

200. Comparative functional responses of introduced and native ladybird beetles track ecological impact through predation and competition. 2019. Crookes, S., E.M. DeRoy, J.T.A. Dick and H.J. MacIsaac. Biological Invasions 21:519-529. PDF.

199. Assessing the relative potential ecological impacts and invasion risks of emerging invasive species. 2018. Dickey, J., R. Cuthbert, M. Rea, C. Laverty, K. Crane, E. Briski, X. Chang, N. Coughlan, H.J. MacIsaac, A. Ricciardi, G. Riddell, M. Xu, and J.T.A. Dick. Neobiota 40:1-24. PDF

198. Comparative feeding rates of native and invasive ascidians. 2018. Hoxha, T., S. Crookes, C. Lejuesne, J.T.A. Dick, X. Chang, S. Bouchemousse, R. Cuthbert, and H.J. MacIsaac. Marine Pollution Bulletin 135:1067-1071. PDF

197. Conventional versus real-time quantitative PCR for rare species detection. 2018. Xia, Z., Johansson, M.L.,Y. Gao, L. Zhang, G.D. Haffner, H.J. MacIsaac and A. Zhan. Ecology and Evolution 8:11799-11807. PDF

196. A dip or a dab: assessing the efficacy of Virasure®Aquatic disinfectant to reduce secondary spread of the invasive curly waterweed Lagarosiphon major. 2018. Cuthbert, R.N., N.E. Coughlan, K. Crane, J.M. Caffrey, H.J. MacIsaac, and J.T.A. Dick. Management of Biological Invasions 9:259-265. PDF

195. Invertebrates associated with aquatic plants bought from aquarium stores in Canada and New Zealand. 2018. Duggan, I.C., P.D. Champion, and H.J. MacIsaac. Biological Invasions 20: 3167-3178. PDF

194. Molecular insights into the ctenophore genus Beroe in Europe: new species, spreading invaders. 2018. Johansson, M.L., T.A. Shiganova, H. Ringvold, A.N. Stupnikova, and H.J. MacIsaac. Journal of Heredity 109:520-529. PDF

193. Beyond propagule pressure: importance of selection during the transport stage of biological invasion. 2018. Briski, E., F. Chan, J. Darling, H.J. MacIsaac, A. Zhan, S.A. Bailey. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16:347-353. PDF

192. Cyanobacteria blooms induce embryonic heart failure in an endangered fish species. 2018. Zi, J., J. Yang, H.J. MacIsaac, R. Xu, S. Chen, X. Pan, Y. Pei, and X. Chang. Aquatic Toxicology 194:78-85 PDF

191. Human-mediated and natural dispersal of an invasive fish in the eastern Great Lakes. 2018. Johansson, M.L., B.A. Dufour, K.W. Wellband, L.D. Corkum, H.J. MacIsaac, and D.D. Heath. Heredity 120:533-546. PDF

190. Optimization and performance testing of a sequence processing pipeline applied to early detection of nonindigenous species. 2018. Scott, R., A. Zhan, E.A. Brown, F.J. J. Chain, M.E. Cristescu, R. Gras, and H.J. MacIsaac.  Evolutionary Applications DOI: 10.1111/eva12604. (15 pages) PDF

189. Early detection of a highly invasive bivalve based on environmental DNA (eDNA).  2017. Xia, Z., A. Zhan, Y. Gao, L. Zhang, G.D. Haffner, and H.J. MacIsaac. Biological Invasions 20:437-447 PDF

188. Hybrid system and source port water: reducing the colonization and propagule pressure of microplankton organisms in ballast water. 2017. Paolucci, E.M., L. Ron, and H.J. MacIsaac. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 20:369-377. PDF

187. Microscopy versus automated imaging flow cytometry for detecting and identifying rare zooplankton. 2017. Stanislawczyk, K., M.L. Johansson, and H.J. MacIsaac. Hydrobiologia 807:53-65 PDF

186. Ships’ ballast water treatment by chlorination can generate toxic trihalomethanes. 2017. Hernandez, M.R., N. Ismail, K.G. Drouillard, and H.J. MacIsaac. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 99:194-199. PDF

185. Attenuation and modification of the ballast water microbial community during voyages into the Canadian Arctic. 2017. Johansson, M., S.R. Chaganti, N. Simard, K.  Howland, G. Winkler, A. Rochon, F. Laget, P. Tremblay, D.D. Heath, and H.J. MacIsaac. Diversity and Distributions 23:567-576. PDF

184. Invasion science:Looking forward rather than revisiting old ground – 2017. A reply to Zenni et al. Ricciardi, A., T.M. Blackburn, J.T. Carlton, J.T.A. Dick, P.E. Hulme, J.C. Iacarella, J.M. Jeschke, A.M. Liebhold, J.L.Lockwood, H.J. MacIsaac, P. Pyšek, D.M. Richardson, G.M. Ruiz, D. Simberloff, W.J. Sutherland, D.A. Wardle, and D.C. Aldridge Trends in Ecology and Evolution 32:809-810. Rebuttal 


183. Invasion Science: A horizon scan of emerging challenges and opportunities. 2017. Ricciardi, A., T.M. Blackburn, J.T. Carlton, J.T.A. Dick, P.E. Hulme, J.C. Iacarella, J.M. Jeschke, A.M. Liebhold, J.L.Lockwood, H.J. MacIsaac, P. Pyšek, D.M. Richardson, G.M. Ruiz, D. Simberloff, W.J. Sutherland, D.A. Wardle, and D.C. Aldridge. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 32:464-474 PDF Critique 

182. Invader relative impact potential: a new metric to understand and predict the ecological impacts of existing, emerging and future invasive alien species. 2017. Dick, J.T.A., C. Laverty, J.J. Lennon, D. Barrios-O’Neill, P.J. Mensink, J. R. Britton, V. Medoc, P. Boets, M.E. Alexander, N.G. Taylor, A.M. Dunn, M.J. Hatcher, P.J. Rosewarne, S. Crookes, H.J. MacIsaac, M. Xu, A. Ricciardi, R.J. Wasserman, B.R. Ellender, O.L.F Weyl, F.E. Lucy, P.B. Banks, J.A. Dodd, C. MacNeil, M.R. Penk, D.C. Aldridge and J.M. Caffrey. Journal of Applied Ecology 54:1259-1267  PDF  News Release

181. Modeling sampling strategies for determination of zooplankton abundance in ballast water. 2017. Hernandez, M.R., M.L. Johansson, Y. Xiao, M.A. Lewis, and H.J. MacIsaac.  Marine Pollution Bulletin 115: 80-85. PDF

180. Higher colonization pressure increases the risk of sustaining invasion by invasive non-indigenous species. 2017. MacIsaac, H.J. and M.L. Johansson. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 20:378-383. PDF

179. Survival of ship biofouling assemblages during and after voyages to the Canadian Arctic. 2016. Chan, F.T., H.J. MacIsaac, and S.A. Bailey. Marine Biology 163:250. PDF

178.  Possible ballast water transfer of lionfish to the eastern Pacific Ocean. 2016. MacIsaac, H.J., E.M. DeRoy, Brian Leung, A. Grgicak-Mannon, Gregory M. Ruiz. PLoS ONE 11(11):e0165584. PDF

177. Confronting the wicked problem of managing biological invasions. 2016. Woodford, D.J., D.M. Richardson, H.J. MacIsaac, N.E. Mandrak, B.W. van Wilgen, J. Wilson and O. Weyl. Neobiota 31: 63-86. PDF

176. Early detection of aquatic invaders using metabarcoding reveals a high number of non-indigenous species in Canadian ports. 2016. Brown, E.A., .F.J.J.  Chain, A. Zhan, H.J. MacIsaac, M.E. Cristescu. Diversity and Distributions 22:1045-1059. PDF

175. Population attenuation in zooplankton communities during transoceanic transfer in ballast water. 2016. Ghabooli, S., A. Zhan, E. Paolucci, M. Hernandez, E. Briski, M.E. Cristescu, H.J. MacIsaac. Ecology and Evolution 6:6170-6177. PDF

174. Are genetic databases sufficiently populated to detect non-indigenous species? 2016. Briski, E., Ghabooli, S., Bailey, S.A. and H.J. MacIsaac. Biological Invasions 18:1911-1922. PDF

173. Metabarcoding reveals strong spatial structure and temporal turnover of zooplankton communities among marine and freshwater ports. 2016. Chain, F.J.J., E.A. Brown, H.J. MacIsaac, and M.E. Cristescu. Diversity and Distributions 22:493-504. PDF

172. On the context-dependent scaling of consumer feeding rates. 2016. Barrios-O’Neill, D.,  J.T.A. Dick, R. Kelly, A. Ricciardi, H.J. MacIsaac and M.C. Emmerson. Ecology Letters 19:668-678 PDF

171.  Bias in research grant evaluation has dire consequences for small universities. 2016. Murray, D.L., D. Morris, C. Lavoie, P. Leavitt, H.J. MacIsaac, M. Masson, and M.-A. Villard. 2016. PLoS ONE 11(6): e0155876. PDF

170. Can tropical macrophytes establish in the Great Lakes? 2016. MacIsaac, H.J., B. Beric, A.P. Eyraud, and S. Ghabooli.  Hydrobiologia 767:165-174. PDF

169. Invasive ascidians as promising models for studying invasion success in marine invasion biology. 2015. Zhan, A., E. Briski, D.G. Bock, S. Ghabooli, and H.J. MacIsaac. Marine Biology 162:2449-2470. PDF

168. Determinants of rapid response success for alien invasive species in aquatic ecosystems. 2015. Beric, B. and H.J. MacIsaac. Biological Invasions 17:3327-3335 PDF

167.  Are the Great Lakes at risk of new fish invasions from trans-Atlantic shipping? 2015. MacIsaac, H.J., B. Beric, S.A. Bailey, N.E. Mandrak, and A. Ricciardi. Journal of Great Lakes Research 41:1172-1175. PDF

166. Relative importance of vessel hull fouling and ballast water as transport vectors of nonindigenous species to the Canadian Arctic. 2015. Chan, F.T., H.J. MacIsaac and S.A. Bailey. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72:1230-1242. PDF

165. Water diversions facilitate spread of non-native species. 2015.  Zhan, A., L. Zhang, Z. Xia, P. Ni, W. Xiong, Y. Chen, G.D. Haffner, and H.J. MacIsaac. Biological Invasions 17:3073-3080 PDF

164.  Divergence thresholds and divergent biodiversity estimates: can metabarcoding reliably describe zooplankton communities? 2015.  Brown, E.A., F.J.J. Chain, H.J. MacIsaac and M.E. Cristescu.  Ecology and Evolution 5:2234-2251. PDF

163. Hybrid treatment increases efficiency of ballast water management. 2015. Paolucci, E.M., M. Hernandez, A. Potapov, M.A. Lewis, and H.J. MacIsaac. Journal of Applied Ecology 52:348-357. PDF

162. Rare biosphere exploration using high-throughput sequencing: Extra caution and efforts needed. 2015. A. Zhan and H.J. MacIsaac. Conservation Genetics 16:513-522 PDF

161. Assessing introduction risk using species’ rank-abundance distributions. 2015. F.T. Chan, J. Bradie, E. Briski, S. Bailey, N. Simard, and H.J. MacIsaac. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 282:20141517 PDF

160. Unreliable quantitation of species abundance based on high-throughput sequencing data of zooplankton communities. 2015. C. Sun, Y. Zhao, H. Li., Y. Dong, H.J. MacIsaac, and A. Zhan. Aquatic Biology 24:9-15 PDF

159. Toward accurate molecular identification of species in complex environmental samples: testing the performance of sequence filtering and clustering methods. 2015. Flynn, J.M., E.A. Brown, F.J.J. Chain, H.J. MacIsaac, and M.E. Cristescu. Ecology and Evolution 5:2252-2266. PDF

158. Predator-free space, functional responses and biological invasions. 2015. D. Barrios-O’Neill, J.T.A. Dick, M.C. Emmerson, A. Ricciardi and H.J. MacIsaac. Functional Ecology 29:377-384. PDF

157. Variation in propagule and colonization pressures following rapid human-mediated transport: Implications for a universal assemblage-based management model. 2014. E. Briski, D.A.R. Drake, F. Chan, S. Bailey, and H.J. MacIsaac. Limnology and Oceanography 59:2068-2076. PDF

156. Deep impact: in situ functional responses reveal context-dependent interactions between vertically migrating invasive and native mesopredators and shared prey. 2014. D. Barrios-O’Neill, J.T.A. Dick, A. Ricciardi, H.J. MacIsaac and M.C. Emmerson. Freshwater Biology 59:2194-2203 PDF

155. Reproducibility of pyrosequencing data for biodiversity assessment in complex communities. 2014. A. Zhan, S. He, T.W. Therriault, C.L. Abbott, D.D. Heath, M.E. Cristescu, and H.J. MacIsaac. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5:881-890. PDF

154. Richness–abundance relationships for zooplankton in ballast water: temperate versus Arctic comparisons. 2014. F.T. Chan, E. Briski, S.A. Bailey and H.J. MacIsaac. ICES Journal of Marine Science 71:1876-1884. PDF

153. Performance comparison of genetic markers for high-throughput sequencing-based biodiversity assessment in complex communities. 2014. Zhan, A., S.A. Bailey, D.D. Heath and H.J. MacIsaac. Molecular Ecology Resources 14:1049-1059 PDF

152. Influence of artifact removal on rare species recovery in natural complex communities using high-throughput sequencing. 2014. Zhan, A., W. Xiong, S. He and H.J. MacIsaac. PLoS ONE. 10.1371/journal.pone.0096928 PDF

151. Fortune favours the bold: a higher predator reduces the impact of a native but not an invasive intermediate predator. 2014. O’Neill, D.B., J.T.A. Dick, M. Emmerson, A. Ricciardi, and M.E. Alexander. Journal of Animal Ecology 83: 693-701 PDF

150. Assemblage structure: an overlooked component of human-mediated species movements among freshwater ecosystems. 2014. Drake, D.A.R., F.T. Chan, E. Briski, S. A. Bailey and H.J. MacIsaac. Journal of Limnology 73(S1):112-119 PDF

149. Tackling Invasive Alien Species in Europe: the top 20 issues. 2014. Caffrey, J.M., J.-R. Baars, J.H. Barbour, P. Boets, P. Boon, K. Davenport, J.T.A. Dick, J. Early, L. Edsman, C. Gallagher, J. Gross, P. Heinimaa, C. Horrill, S. Hudin, P.E. Hulme, S. Hynes, H.J. MacIsaac, P. McLoone,  M. Millane, T.L. Moen, N. Moore, J. Newman, R. O’Conchuir, M. O’Farrell, C. O’Flynn, B. Oidtmann, T. Renals, A. Ricciardi, H. Roy, R. Shaw, O. Weyl, F. Williams, and F. Lucy. 2014.  Management of Biological Invasions 5:1-20. PDF

148. A conceptual model of community dynamics during the transport stage of the invasion process. 2014. Briski, E., F.T. Chan, H.J. MacIsaac and S.A. Bailey. Diversity and Distributions 20:236-244 PDF

147. Advancing impact prediction and hypothesis testing using a comparative functional response approach. 2014. Dick, J.T.A, M.E. Alexander, J.M. Jeschke, A. Ricciardi, H.J. MacIsaac, T.B. Robinson, S. Kumschick, O.F. Weyl, AM. Dunn, M.J. Hatcher, R.A. Paterson, K.D. Farnsworth, D.M. Richardson. Biological Invasions 16:735:753 PDF

146. Domestic ships as a potential pathway of nonindigenous species introduction from the Saint Lawrence River to the Great Lakes. 2014. Adebayo, A.A., A. Zhan, S.A. Bailey and H.J. MacIsaac. Biological Invasions 16:793-801 PDF

145. Morphological and genetic variability in an invasive mussel across an environmental gradient in South America. 2014. Paolucci, E., P.F. Sardina, F. Sylvester, P. Perepelizin, A. Zhan, S. Ghabooli, M.E. Cristescu, and H.J. MacIsaac. Limnology and Oceanography 59:400-412. PDF

144. Invasion pathways of the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in the Mediterranean Sea. 2013. Ghabooli, S., T.A. Shiganova, E. Briski, S. Piraino, V. Fuentes, D. Thibault-Botha, A. Dror, M.E. Cristescu, and H.J. MacIsaac. PLoS ONE 8(11) e81067. PDF

 143. Ballast water management alters but does not eliminate the threat of invasions from shipping. 2013. E. Briski, S.A. Bailey, O.Casas-Monroy, C. DiBacco, I. Kaczmarska, J.E. Lawrence, J. Leichsenring, C. Levings, M.L. MacGillivary, C.W. McKindsey, L.E. Nasmith, M. Parenteau, G.E. Piercey, R.B. Rivkin, A. Rochon, S. Roy, N. Simard, B. Sun, M.C. Villac, C. Way, A.M. Weise and H.J. MacIsaac. Limnology and Oceanography 58:1361-1372 PDF

142. Separation strategies for invertebrate dormant stages contained in sediment. 2013. E. Briski, S.A. Bailey and H.J. MacIsaac. Aquatic Biology 18:209-215 PDF

141. Origin matters: Alien consumers inflict greater damage on prey populations than do native consumers. 2013. E. Paolucci, H.J. MacIsaac, and A. Ricciardi. Diversity and Distributions 19:988-995 PDF 

140. High sensitivity of 454 pyrosequencing for detection of rare species in aquatic communities. 2013. Zhan, A, M Hulák, F Sylvester, X Huang, A Adebayo, C Abbott, S. Adamowicz, D.D. Heath, M.E. Cristescu, H.J. MacIsaac. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4:558-565 PDF

139. Genetic diversity in introduced golden mussel populations corresponds to vector activity. 2013. Ghabooli, S., A. Zhan, P. Sardina, E. Paolucci, F. Sylvester, P.V. Perepelizin, E. Briski, M.E. Cristescu, and  H.J. MacIsaac. PLoS ONE 8(3) e59328. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059328 PDF

 138. Relative risk assessment for ballast-mediated invasions at Canadian Arctic ports. 2013. F.T. Chan, S.A. Bailey and H.J. MacIsaac. Biological Invasions 15:295-308 PDF 

137. Complex genetic patterns in closely related colonizing invasive species. 2012. Zhan, A., J.A. Darling, D.G. Bock, A. Lacoursière-Roussel, H.J. MacIsaac and M.E. Cristescu. Ecology and Evolution 2:1331-1346 PDF 

136. Invasion risk posed by macroinvertebrates transported in ships’ ballast tanks. 2012. Briski, E., S. Ghabooli, S.A. Bailey and H.J. MacIsaac. Biological Invasions 14:1843-1850 PDF 

135. Relationship between propagule pressure and colonization pressure in invasion ecology: a test with ships’ ballast.  2012. Briski, E., S.A. Bailey, O. Casas-Monroy, C. DiBaccio, I. Kzaczmarska, C. Levings, M.L. MacGillvary, C.W. McKindsey, L.E. Nasmith, M. Parenteau, G.E. Piercey, A. Rochon, S. Roy, N. Simard, M.C. Villac, A.M. Weise, and H.J. MacIsaac. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279:2990-2997. PDF

134. Efficacy of NaCl brine for treatment of ballast water against freshwater invasions. 2012. Wang, T.N., S.A. Bailey, D.F. Reid, T.H. Johengen, P.T. Jenkins, C.J. Wiley, and H.J. MacIsaac. Journal of Great Lakes Research 38:72-77 PDF

133. Multilocus genetic analyses differentiate between widespread and spatially restricted cryptic species in a model ascidian. 2012. Bock, D., H.J. MacIsaac and M.E. Cristescu. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279:2377-2385. PDF

 132. Scale-dependent post–establishment spread and genetic diversity in an invading mollusc in South America. 2012. Zhan, A., P. V. Perepelizin, S. Ghabooli, E. Paolucci, F. Sylvester, P. Sardiña, M.E. Cristescu and H.J. MacIsaac. Diversity and Distributions 18:1042-1055 PDF 

131. Evaluation of stochastic gravity model selection for use in non-indigenous species dispersal and establishment. 2011. Muirhead, J.R. and H.J. MacIsaac. Biological Invasions 13:2445-2458 PDF

130. Assessing the relationship between propagule pressure and invasion risk in ballast water. 2011. Carlton, J., G.M. Ruiz, J.E. Byers, A. Cangelosi, F.C. Dobbs, E.D. Grosholz, B. Leung, H.J. MacIsaac, M.J. Wonham, L.EJ. Ehlers, E. Guzman. National Research Council, U.S. National Academy of Sciences. 156p. ISBN: 978-0-309-21562-6

129. Invertebrates and their dormant eggs transported in ballast sediments of ships arriving to the Canadian coasts and the Laurentian Great Lakes. 2011. Briski, E., S.A. Bailey, and H.J. MacIsaac. Limnology and Oceanography 56:1929-1939. PDF

128. Non-natives: 141 scientists object. 2011. Simberloff, D. and 141 others. Nature 475:36. PDF. In reply to M.A. Davis and 18 others. Don’t judge species on their origins. Nature 474:153-154. PDF

127. Assessing invasion risk across taxa and habitats: life stage as a determinant of invasion success. 2011. Briski, E., S. Ghabooli, S.A. Bailey, and H.J. MacIsaac. Diversity and Distributions 17:592-602 PDF

126. Evaluating efficacy of an environmental policy to prevent biological invasions. 2011. Bailey, S.A., M.G. Deneau, L. Jean, C.J. Wiley, B. Leung, and H.J. MacIsaac. Environmental Science and Technology 45:2554-2561 PDF

125. Prediction and error in multi-stage models for spread of aquatic non-indigenous species. 2011. Muirhead, J.R., M. Lewis and H.J. MacIsaac. Diversity and Distributions 17:323-337. PDF

124. Comparative phylogeography of two colonial ascidians reveals contrasting invasion histories in North America. 2011. C. Lejeusne, D. Bock, H.J. MacIsaac, T.W. Therriault, and M.E. Cristescu. Biological Invasions 13:635-650. PDF

123. Water hyacinth (Echhornia crassipes) and water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) in the Great Lakes: playing with fire? 2011. A.A. Adebayo, E. Briski, O. Kalaci, M. Hernandez, S.A. Ghabooli, B. Beric, F.T. Chan, A. Zhan, E. Fifield, T. Leadley and H.J. MacIsaac. Aquatic Invasions 6:91-96. PDF

122. Hull fouling as an invasion vectors: can simple models explain a complex problem? 2011. Sylvester, F., O. Kalaci, B. Leung, T. Therriault, A. Lacoursière-Roussel, F.M. Choi, Cathryn C. Murray, M.A. Bravo and H.J. MacIsaac. Journal of Applied Ecology 48:415-423. PDF

121. Looking at both sides of biological invasions: patterns of colonization in the violet tunicate Botrylloides violaceus. 2011. Bock, D.G.,  A. Zhan, H.J. MacIsaac and M.E. Cristescu. Molecular Ecology 20:503-516 PDF

120. Multiple introductions and invasion pathways for the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi in Eurasia. 2011. S. Ghabooli, T.A. Shiganova, A. Zhan, M.E. Cristescu, P. Eghtesadi-Araghi, and H.J. MacIsaac. Biological Invasions 13:679-690 PDF

119. Lakes. H.J. MacIsaac. 2011. In: Encyclopedia of Invasive Introduced Species. (Ed.:D. Simberloff and M. Rejmanek). University of California Press. pp. 410-421. PDF

118. Use of DNA barcoding to detect invertebrate invasive species from diapausing eggs. 2011. Briski, E., M.E. Cristescu, S.A. Bailey, and H.J. MacIsaac. Biological Invasions 13:1325-1340. PDF

117. Impacts of biological invasions on freshwater ecosystems. 2011. A. Ricciardi and H.J. MacIsaac. In: 50 years of Invasion Ecology (Ed.: D.M. Richardson). pp. 211-224.

116. Patterns and rate of growth of studies in invasion ecology. 2011. H.J. MacIsaac, R. Tedla and A. Ricciardi. In: 50 years of Invasion Ecology (Ed.: D.M. Richardson). pp. 51-60.

115. Brine-induced mortality of non-indigenous invertebrates in ballast water. 2010. Bradie, J.N., S.A. Bailey, G. van der Velde and. H.J. MacIsaac. Marine Environmental Research 70:395-410 PDF

114. Transoceanic ships as vectors for nonindigenous freshwater bryozoans. 2010. R. Kipp, S.A. Bailey, H.J. MacIsaac and A. Ricciardi.  Diversity and Distributions 16:77-83 PDF 

113. Efficacy of ‘saltwater flushing’ in protecting the Great Lakes from biological invasions via invertebrate eggs in ships’ ballast sediment. 2010. E. Briski, S.A. Bailey, M.E. Cristescu and H.J. MacIsaac. Freshwater Biology 55:2414-2424 PDF

112.  Diapausing zooplankton eggs remain viable despite exposure to open-ocean ballast water exchange: evidence from in situ exposure experiments. 2010. D. Gray and H.J. MacIsaac.Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67:256-268. PDF

111. Invasion genetics of the Ciona intestinalis species complex: from regional endemism to global homogeneity. 2010. Zhan, A., H.J. MacIsaac, and M.E. Cristescu. Molecular Ecology 19:4678-4694. PDF

110. Domestic ballast operations on the Great Lakes: potential importance of Lakers as a vector for introduction and spread of non-indigenous species. 2010. Rup, M., S.A. Bailey, C. Wiley, M. Minton, G. Ruiz and H.J. MacIsaac. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67:417-426. PDF

109. Is vessel hull fouling an invasion threat to the Great Lakes? 2010. Sylvester, F.  and H.J. MacIsaac. Diversity and Distributions 16:132-143. PDF Erratum published (2013) 19:1578-1579 PDF

108. Ecosystem changes associated with Dreissena invasion of aquatic ecosystems. 2010. Kelly, D.W., L.-M. Herborg & H.J. MacIsaac. In: Dreissena mussels in Europe. G. Van der Velde (ed.). pp. 199-210. PDF

107. Detection of a colonizing, aquatic, non-indigenous species. 2009. Harvey, C.T., S.A. Qureshi and H.J. MacIsaac. Diversity and Distributions 15:429-437 PDF

106. Spatial and temporal stability of rotifer communities. 2009. Steinberg, A.J., J. Ejsmont-Karabin, J.R. Muirhead, and H. J. MacIsaac. Hydrobiologia 624:107-114 PDF

105. Salinity tolerance of Great Lakes’ invaders. 2009. Ellis, S. and H.J. MacIsaac. Freshwater Biology 54:77-89 PDF

104.  Laurentian Great Lakes as a case study in biological invasion.  2009. D.W. Kelly, G. Lamberti, and H. J. MacIsaac. In: ISIS Bioeconomics of Biological Invasions. R. Keller, M. Lewis and D. Lodge (eds). pages 205-225. PDF

103.  Modeling spread of the invasive macrophyte Cabomba caroliniana. 2009. Jacobs, M.J. and H.J. MacIsaac. Freshwater Biology 54:296-305. PDF

102. The book that began invasion ecology. 2008. Charles Elton’s 50-year-old text on invasion ecology is now cited more than ever. Ricciardi, A. and H.J. MacIsaac. Nature 652:34. PDF

101. Is current ballast water exchange policy sufficient to protect the Great Lakes from ship-vectored invasions? 2008. Ricciardi, A. and  H.J. MacIsaac.  Ecological Applications 18:1321-1323. PDF

100.  Identifying the source of species invasions: sampling intensity versus genetic diversity. 2008. Muirhead, J.R., D.K. Gray, D.W. Kelly, S.M. Ellis, D.D. Heath and H. J. MacIsaac.  Molecular Ecology 17:431-449 PDF

99. Great Lakes Shipping, Trade, and Aquatic Invasive Species: Transportation Research Board, Special Report 291. 2008. Water, Science, and Technology Board, U.S. National Academies Link

98. Non-indigenous species in Lake Erie: a chronicle of established and projected aquatic invaders. 2008. Bailey, S.A., D.W. Kelly, D.K. Gray, K. Nandakumar and H.J. MacIsaac. In: Checking the pulse of Lake Erie. pp. 579-603. M. Munawar and R. Heath (eds). PDF

97.  Efficacy of open-ocean ballast water exchange as a means of preventing invertebrate invasions between freshwater ports. 2007. D.K. Gray, T.H. Johengen, D.F. Reid and H.J. MacIsaac. Limnology and Oceanography 52:2386-2397. PDF

96. Comparative distribution and invasion risk of snakehead and Asian carp species in North America.  2007. L.M. Herborg, N.E. Mandrak, B.C. Cudmore and H.J. MacIsaac. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64:1723-1735. PDF

95. Predicting the range of Chinese mitten crabs (Eriocheir sinensis) in Europe. 2007. L.M. Herborg, D. Rudnick, Y. Siliang, D.M. Lodge and H. J. MacIsaac. Conservation Biology 21:1316-1323 PDF

94. Modeling biological invasions of lakes. 2007. H. J. MacIsaac, L.M. Herborg,  and J. Muirhead. In: Freshwater bioinvaders: profiles, distribution and threats. Edited by F. Gherardi. Chapter 18, pages 347-368.  PDF

93. Globalization, biological invasions, and ecosystem changes in North America’s Great Lakes. 2007. K. Holeck, E.L. Mills and H. J. MacIsaac. In: Globalization: Effects on fisheries resources. Ed.: W. Taylor. Chapter 6, pages 156-182. PDF

92. Predicting invasion risk using measures of introduction effort and environmental niche models. 2007. LM. Herborg,  C.L. Jerde, D.M. Lodge, G.M. Ruiz, and H. J. MacIsaac. Ecological Applications 17:663-674 PDF

91. Fouling of fishing line by the waterflea Cercopagis pengoi: a mechanism of human-mediated dispersal? 2007. M. Jacobs and H. J. MacIsaac.  Hydrobiologia 583:119-126 PDF

90. Sediments and ships: natural biota as biological contaminants. 2007. Bailey, S.A., I.C. Duggan, K. Nandakumar and H.J. MacIsaac. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 10:93-100 PDF

89. Temporal pattern of government funding for nonindigenous species research in the Great Lakes. 2007. Steinberg, A.J.,C.S. Stevens, M. Burrows, and H. J. MacIsaac. Journal of Great Lakes Research 33:136-142. PDF

88. Vicariance and dispersal effects on phylogeographic structure and speciation in a widespread estuarine invertebrate. 2006. Kelly, D.W. , H.J. MacIsaac & D.D. Heath. Evolution 60:257-267. PDF

87. Invasion risk of active and diapausing invertebrates from residual ballast in ships entering Chesapeake Bay. 2006. Duggan, I.C., S.A. Bailey, C.D.A. van Overdijk and MacIsaac, H.J. Marine Ecology Progress Series 324:57-66. PDF

86. Contrasting patterns in genetic diversity following multiple invasions of fresh and brackish waters. 2006. D.W. Kelly, J. Muirhead,  D.D. Heath & H.J. MacIsaac.Molecular Ecology 15:3641-3653 PDF

85. Quantifying rotifer species richness in temperate lakes. 2006. Muirhead, J., J. Ejsmont-Karabin and H. J. MacIsaac. Freshwater Biology 51:1696-1709. PDF

84. Propagule pressure: a null hypothesis for biological invasions. 2006. Colautti, R.I., I.A. Grigorovich and H.J. MacIsaac. Biological Invasions 8:1023-1037. PDF

83.  Modeling local and long-distance dispersal of the emerald ash borer Agrilus planipennis (Coleoptera) in North America. 2006. Muirhead, J.R., B. Leung, C.D.A. van Overdijk, D. Kelly, N. Kanivillil, K. Marchant and H.J. MacIsaac. Diversity and Distributions 12:71-79. PDF

82. Biological Invasions: Recommendations for U.S. Policy and Management. 2006. Lodge, D.M., S. Williams, H. MacIsaac, K. Hayes, B. Leung, L. Loope, S. Reichard, R. Mack, P. Moyle, M. Smith, D. Andow, J. Carlton, and A. McMichael. Ecological Applications 16:2035-2054. PDF

81. Characterized and projected costs of nonindigenous species in Canada. 2006. Colautti, R.I., S. Bailey, C. van Overdijk, K. Amundsen and H.J. MacIsaac. Biological Invasions 8:45-59 PDF

80. Popularity and propagule pressure: determinants of introduction and establishment of aquarium fish. 2006. Duggan, I.C., A.M. Rixon and H.J. MacIsaac.  Biological Invasions 8:393-398. PDF

79.  Does salt water flushing reduce viability of diapausing eggs in ship ballast sediment? 2006. Bailey, S.A., K. Nandakumar and H.J. MacIsaac. Diversity and Distributions 12:328-335. PDF

78. Biological invasions – concepts to understand and predict a global threat. 2006. Van der Velde, G., S. Rajagopal, M. Kuyper-Kollenaar, A. bij de Vaate, D.W. Thieltges & H.J. MacIsaac. pp. 61-90.  In: Bobbink R, Beltman B, Verhoeven JTA and Whigham DF (eds.) Wetlands as a natural resource. Volume 2. Wetlands: functioning, biodiversity, conservation and restoration. Ecological Studies, Springer Verlag  PDF

77. Modelling the invasion risk of diapause organisms transported in ballast sediments. 2005.  Wonham, M.J., S.A. Bailey, H.J. MacIsaac and M.A. Lewis. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:2386-2398 PDF

76. Can sodium hypochlorite reduce the risk of species introductions from diapausing invertebrate eggs in non-ballasted ships? 2005. D.K. Gray, I.C. Duggan and H.J. MacIsaac. Marine Pollution Bulletin 52: 689-695 PDF

75. Invertebrates associated with residual ballast water and sediments of cargo carrying ships entering the Great Lakes. 2005. Duggan, I.C., C.D.A. van Overdijk, S.A. Bailey, P.T. Jenkins, H. Limén and H.J. MacIsaac. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:2463-2474 PDF

74. In situ hatching of invertebrate diapausing eggs from ships’ ballast sediment. 2005. Bailey, S.A., K. Nandakumar, I.C. Duggan, C.D.A. van Overdijk, T.H. Johengen, D.F. Reid and H.J. MacIsaac. Diversity and Distributions 11:453-460 PDF

73. Realized versus apparent enemy release in the European starling. 2005. Colautti, R.I., J.R. Muirhead, R.N. Biswas and H.J. MacIsaac.  Biological Invasions 7:723-732 PDF

72. Invertebrate resting stages in residual ballast sediment of transoceanic ships. 2005. Bailey, S.A.,  I.C. Duggan, P.T. Jenkins and H.J. MacIsaac.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:1090-1103 PDF

71. Invasion genetics of a freshwater mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) in Eastern Europe as revealed by microsatellite analyses. 2005. Therriault, T.W., M.I. Orlova, M. Docker, H.J. MacIsaac and  D.D. Heath.  Heredity 95:16-23 PDF

70. Invasion genetics of the Eurasian spiny waterflea: Evidence for bottlenecks and gene flow using microsatellite data. 2005. Colautti, R.I., M. Manca, M. Viljanen, H.A.M. Ketelaars, H. Bürgi, H.J. MacIsaac and D.D. Heath. Molecular Ecology 14: 1869-1879 PDF

69. Food partitioning between the amphipods Echinogammarus ischnus, Gammarus fasciatus and Hyalella azteca as revealed by stable isotopes. 2005. Limén, H., C.D.A. van Overdijk and H.J. MacIsaac. Journal of Great Lakes Research 31:97-104 PDF

68.  Invasion risks posed by the aquarium trade and live fish markets on the Laurentian Great Lakes. 2005. Rixon, C.A.M., I.C. Duggan, N.M.N. Bergeron, A. Ricciardi and H.J. MacIsaac.  Biodiversity and Conservation 14:1365-1381 PDF

67. Viability of invertebrate diapausing eggs exposed to saltwater: implications for Great Lakes ship ballast management. 2005. Gray, D.K., S.A. Bailey, I.C. Duggan and H.J. MacIsaac. Biological Invasions 7:531-539 PDF

66. Minimizing invasion risk by reducing propagule pressure: application to ballast-water exchange. 2005. Wonham, M.J., M.A. Lewis, and H.J. MacIsaac.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 3:473-479 PDF

65. Development of inland lakes as hubs in an invasion network. 2005. Muirhead, J.R. and H.J. MacIsaac.  Journal of Applied Ecology 42:80-90 PDF

64. Is invasion success predicted by the enemy release hypothesis? 2004. Colautti, R.I., A. Ricciardi, I.A. Grigorovich and H.J. MacIsaac. Ecology Letters 7:721-733 PDF

63. Bridging troubled waters: understanding links between biological invasions, transoceanic shipping, and other entry vectors in the Laurentian Great Lakes. 2004. Holeck, K.T., E.L. Mills, H.J. MacIsaac, M. Dochoda, R.I. Colautti and A. Ricciardi.  Bioscience 54: 919-929 PDF

62. A neutral terminology to define invasive species. 2004. Colautti, R.I. and H.J. MacIsaac. Diversity and Distributions 10:135-141 PDF

61. Backcasting and forecasting biological invasion of inland lakes. 2004. MacIsaac, H.J., J. Borbely, J. Muirhead and P. Graniero. Ecological Applications 14:773-783 PDF

60. Range expansion of Dreissena rostriformis bugensis in the Volga River and Caspian Sea basin. 2004. Orlova, M.I.,  P.I. Antonov, G. Kh. Shcherbina, Ya.I. Starobogatov, G.I.  Biochino, T.W. Therriault and H.J. MacIsaac. Aquatic Ecology 38:561-573. PDF

59. Euryhaline, sand-dwelling, testate rhizopods in the Great Lakes. 2004. Nicholls, K.H. and H.J. MacIsaac. Journal of Great Lakes Research 30:123-132 PDF


58. Molecular resolution of Dreissenidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) including the first report of Mytilopsis leucophaeta in the Black Sea basin. 2004. Therriault, T.W., M. Docker, M.I. Orlova,  D. Heath and H.J. MacIsaac. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 30: 479-489 PDF


57. Dispersal of the Ponto-Caspian amphipod Echinogammarus ischnus: invasion waves from the Pleistocene to the present. 2004. Cristescu, M.E.A., J. Witt, I.A. Grigorovich, P.D.N. Hebert and H.J. MacIsaac. Heredity 92:197-203. PDF

56.  Salinity tolerance of diapausing eggs of freshwater zooplankton. 2004. Bailey, S.A.,  I.C. Duggan, C. van Overdijk, T.H. Johengen, D.F. Reid and H.J. MacIsaac.  Freshwater Biology 49:286-295 PDF

55.  Lake Superior: an invasion coldspot? 2003. Grigorovich, I.A., R.I. Colautti, D. Gray, I.C. Duggan and H.J. MacIsaac. Hydrobiologia 499:191-210 PDF

54.  Effects of the nonindigenous cladoceran Cercopagis pengoi on the lower food web of Lake Ontario. 2003. Laxson, C., K. McPhedran, J.C. Makarewicz and H.J. MacIsaac. Freshwater Biology 48: 2094-2106 PDF

53.  Biological invasions in Lake Ontario: past, present and future. 2003. Duggan, I.C., S.A. Bailey, R.I. Colautti, D.K. Gray, J.C. Makarewicz and H.J. MacIsaac. 2003.  In: State of Lake Ontario (M. Munawar, editor) pages 541-558 PDF

52. Seasonal and vertical distribution, food web dynamics and contaminant biomagnification of Cercopagis pengoi in Lake Ontario. 2003. Makarewicz, J.C., E. Damaske, C. Laxson,  H.J. MacIsaac and I.A. Grigorovich. In: Proceedings of the 11th Annual Invasive Species Conference.  pp. 132-141 PDF

51. Spatial and temporal analysis of transoceanic shipping vectors to the Great Lakes. 2003. Colautti, R.I., A. J. Niimi, C.D.A. van Overdijk, E.L. Mills, K. Holeck and H.J. MacIsaac.  In: Invasive Species: Vectors and Management Strategies. Edited by G. Ruiz and J.T. Carlton. pp. 227-246. Island Press. PDF

50. History of aquatic invertebrate invasions in the Caspian Sea. 2003. Grigorovich, I.A., T.W. Therriault and H.J. MacIsaac. Biological Invasions 5:103-115. PDF

49. Ballast-mediated animal introductions in the Laurentian Great Lakes: retrospective and prospective analyses. 2003. Grigorovich, I.A., R. Colautti, E.L. Mills. K. Holeck, A. Ballert and H.J. MacIsaac. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 60:740-756. PDF

48. Viability of invertebrate diapausing stages collected from residual ballast sediment. 2003. Bailey, S.A., I.C. Duggan, C.D.A. van Overdijk, P. Jenkins and H.J. MacIsaac. Limnology and Oceanography 48:1701-1710. PDF

47. Microhabitat selection by the amphipods Echinogammarus ischnus and Gammarus fasciatus in laboratory and field experiments. 2003. van Overdijk, C.D.A., I.A. Grigorovich, T. Mabee, W.J. Ray, J.J.H. Ciborowski and H.J. MacIsaac. Freshwater Biology 48:567-587 PDF

46. Impacts of aquatic nonindigenous invasive species on the Lake Erie ecosystem. 2002. Austen, M.J.W., J.J.H. Ciborowski, L.D. Corkum, T.B. Johnson, H.J. MacIsaac, J. Metcalfe-Smith, D.W. Scholesser, S.E. George. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Invasive Species Conference. pp. 117-131 PDF

45. Changes in genetic structure of North American Bythotrephes following invasion from Lake Ladoga, Russia. 2002. Berg, D.J., D.W. Garton, H.J. MacIsaac, V. Panov and I. Telesh. 2002. Freshwater Biology 47:275-282. PDF

44. Patterns and mechanisms of aquatic invertebrate introductions in the Ponto-Caspian region. 2002. Grigorovich, I.A., H.J. MacIsaac, N.V. Shadrin and E.L. Mills. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59: 1189-1208. PDF

43. Range expansion of the exotic zooplankton Cercopagis pengoi in the Great Lakes. 2002. Therriault, T.W.,  I.A. Grigorovich,  D.D. Kane, E.M. Haas, D.A. Culver and H.J. MacIsaac. Journal of Great Lakes Research 28:698-701 PDF

42. Modeling ships’ ballast water as invasion threats to the Great Lakes. 2002. MacIsaac, H.J., T.C. Robbins and M.A. Lewis. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59:1245-1256 PDF

41. Taxonomic resolution of the genus Bythotrephes Leydig using molecular markers and re-evaluation of its global distribution. 2002. Therriault, T.W.,  I.A. Grigorovich, M.E. Cristescu, H.A.M. Ketelaars, M. Viljanen, D.D. Heath, and H.J. MacIsaac. Diversity and Distributions 8:67-84 PDF

40. Identification of a source and erosion of founder effects in an exotic species. 2002. Berg, D., D.W. Garton, H.J. MacIsaac, V. Panov and I. Telesh. Freshwater Biology 47:275-282. PDF

39. An invasion history for Cercopagis pengoi based on mitochondrial gene sequences. 2001. Cristescu, M., J. Witt, P. Hebert, I.A. Grigorovich and H.J. MacIsaac. Limnology and Oceanography 46: 224-229. PDF

38. Distribution, fecundity, and genetics of Cercopagis pengoi (Ostroumov) (Crustacea, Cladocera) in Lake Ontario. 2001. Joseph C. Makarewicz, I.A. Grigorovich, E. Mills, E. Damaske, M.E. Cristescu, W. Pearsall, M.J. LaVoie, R. Keats, L. Rudstam, P Hebert, H. Halbritter, T. Kelly, C. Matkovich, and H. J. MacIsaac. Journal of Great Lakes Research 27:19-32 PDF

37. Reassessment of species invasions concepts: the Great Lakes basin as an example. 2001. MacIsaac, H.J., I.A. Grigorovich and A. Ricciardi. Biological Invasions 3: 405-416 PDF

36. Acineta nitocrae: A new suctorian epizoic on Nitocra hibernica from Lake Erie. 2001. Grigorovich, I.A., Dovgal, I.V. and H.J. MacIsaac. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 152: 161-176.

35. Recent mass invasion of the North American Great Lakes by Ponto-Caspian species. 2000. Ricciardi, A. and H.J. MacIsaac. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 15:62-65 PDF

34. Fouling mussels (Dreissena) colonize soft sediments in Lake Erie and facilitate benthic invertebrates. 2000. Bially, A. and H.J. MacIsaac. Freshwater Biology 43: 85-98 PDF

33. Modeling Bythotrephes longimanus invasions in the Great Lakes basin based on its European distribution. 2000. MacIsaac, H.J., H.A.M. Ketelaars, I.A. Grigorovich, C. Ramcharan and N.D. Yan. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 149:1-21. PDF

32. Comparative biology of the Ponto-Caspian cladoceran Cercopagis pengoi from Lake Ontario, Baltic Sea and Caspian Lake. 2000. Grigorovich, I.A., H.J. MacIsaac, I.K. Rivier, N.V. Aladin and V.E. Panov. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie 149:23-50 PDF

31. Moitessier’s pea clam Pisidium moitessierianum  (Bivalvia, Sphaeriidae) in the Great Lakes: A cryptogenic species. 2000. Grigorovich, I.A., Korniushin, A.V., and H.J. MacIsaac. Hydrobiologia 435:153-165 PDF

30. MacIsaac, H.J., I.A. Grigorovich*, J. Hoyle, N.D. Yan and V. Panov. 1999. Invasion of Lake Ontario by the Ponto-Caspian predatory cladoceran Cercopagis pengoi. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56:1-5. PDF

29. MacIsaac, H.J., O.E. Johannsson, J. Ye, W.G. Sprules, J.H. Leach, J.A. McCorquodale and I.A. Grigorovich*. 1999. Filtering effects of introduced bivalve (Dreissena polymorpha) in a shallow lake: application of a hydrodynamic model. Ecosystems 2:338-350. PDF

28. Grigorovich*, I.A. and H.J. MacIsaac. 1999. First record of the European amphipod Corophium mucronatum Sars (Amphipoda: Corophiidae) in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research 25:401-405. PDF

27. MacIsaac, H.J. 1999. Biological invasions in Lake Erie: past, present, and future. In: The State of Lake Erie: past, present and future. M. Munawar (ed.) p. 305-322.  (invited)

26. Roe*, S. and H.J. MacIsaac. 1998. Temporal variation of organochlorine contaminants in the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha in Lake Erie. Aquatic Toxicology  41:125-140. PDF

25. Coulas*, R., H.J. MacIsaac and W. Dunlop. 1998. Selective predation by lake herring (Coregonus artedi) on exotic zooplankton (Bythotrephes cederstroemi) in Harp Lake, Ontario. Freshwater Biology 40:343-356. PDF

24. Mazak*, E.J., H.J. MacIsaac, M.R. Servos and R. Hesslein. 1997. Influence of feeding habits on organochlorine contaminant accumulation in Great Lakes waterfowl. Ecological Applications 7:1133-1143. PDF

23. Roe*, S. and H.J. MacIsaac. 1997. Deep-water population structure and reproductive state of quagga mussels (Dreissena bugensis) in Lake Erie. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54:2428-2433. PDF

22. Lozon*, J. and H.J. MacIsaac. 1997. Biological Invasions: are they dependent on disturbance? Environmental Reviews 5:131-144. (invited) PDF

21. MacIsaac, H.J. 1996. Population structure of an introduced species (Dreissena polymorpha) along a wave-swept disturbance gradient. Oecologia 105:484-492. PDF

20. MacIsaac, H.J. 1996. Potential abiotic and biotic impacts of zebra mussels on the inland waters of North America. American Zoologist 36:287-299. (invited) PDF

19. MacIsaac, H.J., C. Lonnee* and J.H. Leach. 1995. Suppression of microzooplankton by zebra mussels: importance of mussel size. Freshwater Biology 34:379-387. PDF

18. MacIsaac, H.J. and R. Rocha*. 1995. Effects of suspended clay on zebra mussel feces and pseudofeces production. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 135:53-64.

17. Havas, M., D.G. Woodfine, P. Lutz, K. Yung, H.J. MacIsaac and T.C. Hutchinson. 1995. Biological recovery of two previously acidified, metal-contaminated lakes near Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 85:791-796. PDF

16. MacIsaac, H.J. 1994. Size selective predation on zebra mussels by crayfish. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 13:206-216. PDF

15. MacIsaac, H.J. 1994. Comparative growth and survival of Dreissena polymorpha and Dreissena bugensis, exotic molluscs introduced to the Great Lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research 20:783-790. PDF

14. Bunt*, C., H.J. MacIsaac and W.G. Sprules. 1993. Pumping rates and projected filtering impacts of juvenile zebra mussels in western Lake Erie.Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50:1017-1022. PDF

13. Sprules, W.G., B. Bergström, H. Cyr, B. Hargreaves, S. Kilham, H.J. MacIsaac, R. Stemberger and R. Williams. 1992. Optical instruments for studying zooplankton distribution and abundance. Archiv für Hydrobiologie (Suppl.) 36:45-58.

12. MacIsaac, H.J., W.G. Sprules, O.E. Johannsson and J.H. Leach. 1992. Filtering impacts of larval and sessile zebra mussels in western Lake Erie. Oecologia 92:30-39. PDF

11. MacIsaac, H.J., W.G. Sprules and J.H. Leach. 1991. Ingestion of small-bodied zooplankton by zebra mussels: Can cannibalism on larvae influence adult population dynamics? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 48:2051-2060. PDF

10. MacIsaac, H.J. and J.J. Gilbert. 1991. Discrimination between exploitative and interference competition between Keratella cochlearis and Cladocera. Ecology 72:924-937. PDF

9. MacIsaac, H.J. and J.J. Gilbert. 1991. Competition between Keratella cochlearis and Daphnia ambigua: effects of temporal patterns of food availability. Freshwater Biology 25:189-198. PDF

8. Yan, N.D., W. Keller, H.J. MacIsaac and L.J. MacEachern. 1991. Control of the plankton community structure of an acidic, mesotrophic lake by the invertebrate predator, Chaoborus. Ecological Applications 1:52-65. PDF

7. MacIsaac, H.J. and J.J. Gilbert. 1990. Does exploitative or interference competition from Daphnia limit the abundance of Keratella in Loch Leven? A reassessment of May and Jones (1989). Journal of Plankton Research 12:1315-1322. PDF

6. MacIsaac, H.J. and J.J. Gilbert. 1989. Competition between rotifers and cladocerans of different body sizes. Oecologia 81:295-301. PDF

5. Gilbert, J.J. and H.J. MacIsaac. 1989. The susceptibility of Keratella cochlearis to interference by small cladocerans. Freshwater Biology 22:333-339. PDF

4. MacIsaac, H.J., T.C. Hutchinson and W. Keller. 1987. Analysis of planktonic rotifer assemblages from Sudbury, Ontario, area lakes of varying chemical composition.Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 44:1692-1701. PDF

3. MacIsaac, H.J., W. Keller, T.C. Hutchinson and N. Yan. 1986. Natural changes in the planktonic Rotifera of a small, acid lake located near Sudbury, Ontario, following improvements in water chemistry. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 31:791-797. PDF

2. MacIsaac, H.J. and T.C. Hutchinson. 1985. The influence of benthic tundra pond vegetation and prey behaviour on zooplankton predation by the flatworm Mesostoma lingua. Canadian Journal of Zoology 63:1617-1621. PDF

1. MacIsaac, H.J., P.D.N. Hebert and S.S. Schwartz. 1985. Inter- and intraspecific variation in the acute thermal tolerance of Daphnia. Physiological Zoology 58:350-355. PDF

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